Saturday, June 16, 2012

Because it's fun

I knuckled down and lopped off the head of my Jet Run this morning. With the help of Laura Skillern's blog posts on sculpting necks, and a bit of improvisation, I'm feeling pretty optimistic about this project.

The real Ruff

This idea has been floating round in my mind for
quite awhile now, and I can't believe I have only just got started on
t! With everything Amanda has done for me, what better way to say
thanks! I can't wait to give it to her, even though that won't be for
awhile yet.
This is what he looks like so far. The neck has kinda flopped a bit but
I'll fix that when I get to sculpting it.
My PS Pebbles WB is effectively finished too, just need to do a run
over and see if I have missed anything, I'll post pics before the
weekend hopefully.

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